Working 9 - 5

I’m very aware that this week we have had Blue Monday, where some of us may be feeling the financial pressure of Christmas, the weather is cold, days are short, you may have put on a few extra pounds over the festive season and all of a sudden you see adverts from celebrities who are trying to persuade you to join their fitness regime and they look amazing! Honestly, it might make you feel like you want to climb into bed and pull the covers over your head and wait till Spring, I get that completely. 

Work might not be going great either, the promises made at your appraisal such as flexible working, new direction in your role etc., might not have materialised, that pay-rise and/or bonus you were hoping for isn’t quite forthcoming and to add to your woes, there is still a good week or so till pay day. 

What can you do to help yourself?

If life is really challenging then I can 100% recommend you chatting to a friend or loved one about how you’re feeling, admitting that you’re struggling whilst can seem like an acknowledgement of failure is actually a positive and a very brave thing to do. Being aware of our limitations is what makes us human. A chat over a coffee, or something a little stronger with your bestie may help you and actually you might learn that they feel the same way you do or have been where you are and can help you find your way out.

If you’re not someone who is good at sitting still, then how about getting your endorphins going and going for a walk and chat. That way you get all the benefits from a bit of exercise and the support you need. Even though it’s cold out at the moment, once you start walking you soon warm up. 

If you are feeling really low though please do reach out to organisations such as Samaritans (Freephone 116 123) who will be able to help support you and signpost you for further help.