Pre-screening and what to expect.

I have just celebrated 3 amazing years working for Park and I honestly can’t believe where that time has gone. 

Prior to working with my amazing team here, I worked for two wonderful charities over a 15 year period. Being made redundant, I felt quite daunted by the prospect of the recruitment process as things have changed a lot since my last role in the Finance Sector. One thing that came as a huge surprise was the pre-screening process. It’s basically just proving your identity, your qualifications, your trustworthiness and your ability to do the role you’ve applied for and been offered. I suppose somewhere inside I felt a little bit of Imposter Syndrome. Could I actually do the job and also, what if when they go through the pre-screening process they uncover something that would stop me from getting the role. Needless to say I flew through the pre-screening process, and my Director Toni, made the process as simple and pain free as possible. 

I’m not sure how many of you are aware, that one of my roles at Park is to undertake Pre-screening for some of the clients we work with? This ranges from obtaining references to doing a complete pre-screening. 

Our full pre-screening involves, 

We also undertake retrospective checks for promotions etc. 

Given how I felt when I went through my own pre-screening, I try my hardest to ensure that the process is as easy as possible for the new employee. I ensure that I keep in touch with both the hiring team and the employee so they are aware every step of the way where we are, and at the end we provide a digital document for their records. 

If your business wants some support with pre-screening, get in touch!