No second chance at making a first impression!

We have read an interesting and amusing article on Recruitment Grapevine sharing a survey by Careerbuilder which highlights some of the most absurd errors that have been found on CV's by potential employers. Whilst we certainly had a few chortles at some of the mistakes it reinforces how important it is to have a good attention to detail!

One applicant vying for a customer service position gave "didn't like dealing with angry customers" as the reason for leaving her last job, there was another who wrote "whorehouse" instead of "warehouse" when listing work history! (Spell check, read and check again) And a further claiming to have attended a college that didn't exist!

The survey showed that one of the most common mistakes by candidates is assuming every requirement in the job listing needs to be filled. Yet, 42% of employers say that they would consider an applicant who has met only three out of five qualifications.