What are you eating for lunch today?

So if your work environment is anything like ours then there is one main focus of the day – apart from finding you your ideal job of course – and it’s eating!

This lunchtime was no exception and by lunchtime I mean the discussion starts at 11am (latest!). I was the only organised one today – it was a courgette & broccoli spaghetti and chicken fuller for longer (pass me the halo for the low carb/low cal delight!) everyone else had the debate of where to go........would it be one of the many local sandwich shops, what were todays fresh soups, shall we have sushi, what about a salad box......?

It reminded me of an interesting article I found via Brightside showcasing the lunch options available from inside some of the world’s biggest companies! Check it out here

There are menus at these organisations that could be envied at some culinary hotspots! They offer ever-changing and innovative menus and discounted (sometimes free) prices (this really is putting my microwave fuller for longer option to shame) it could also suggest that these companies have learned that food is the way to workers' hearts (and then their productivity).

I think it might be time for afternoon tea..........