Is LinkedIn the new Facebook?

LinkedIn is rapidly becoming the go-to social platform for many, including myself! Why?

It’s a great place to connect with people and network (which if you know me, you know I LOVE!), and also the place to showcase your accomplishments and experiences.

Not long ago, LinkedIn was known as the website to upload your CV and apply/get approached for jobs - fast forward to 2024, it’s a place to share knowledge, insights and your day to day activities, but most importantly (for me anyway), to add value to your connections.

Why use LinkedIn (even if you are not job seeking):

  • Attract top talent for your team/organisation
  • See what your competitors are up to
  • Grow your network and develop your personal brand
  • Engage with any news about your firm

So… my question is - are you on LinkedIn?

If so, what’s your favourite feature/thing to do?

If not, it’s about time you create an account and join the over 1 billion worldwide members!