Holiday waster..........?

A new study has revealed that the average Briton in full time employment wastes 4 days of their holiday every year!

I have just read this piece on Recruitment Buzz and I’m shocked ! Most of the team at Park are begging for days unpaid never mind not taking any …….

The team at polled over 2000 people as part of the research, all of whom were 18 years old or over and had been in full time employment for at least one year.

According to a 47 year working lifetime, from 18-65 years old, this adds up to 188 days.

A spokesperson for commented:

“It’s easy to let work commitments and stress take over and before you know it you’ve forgotten that there is more to life, however it is important to take the time off that you’re entitled to. Not only is it good for your home life and wellbeing, but it also makes you more productive too. Missing out on £10,575 is enough to make most people think twice, but you will also never be able to get that time back making memories with loved ones.”

Too true Jetcost!