New Year - More Ambition!

Happy New Year everyone! 

I wanted to use our first blog of 2022 to share what the tag line, “New Year, New You” means to me, because for me, that’s always been a strange saying. I’m not a new me, I’m still the same guy on the 1st January as I was on 31st December, but my take for a New Year, is new goals! 

A New Year allows us to reflect on what has been, so that the next year can be even bigger and even better than the last. We should celebrate our successes, but also look back on our failures, and that’s nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone fails in life, probably over a million times, but that’s where our greatest lessons are learned. 

A New Year allows us to learn from any mistakes, and after all, we should be another year wiser. We’ve started our last couple of New Year’s with Covid dominating the headlines, and during such a turbulent time with the virus, we should also be reminded that life is short, and we never know what’s round the corner that could be life changing. So, if I can leave you with anything it’s: 

1. Be quick to learn from your mistakes

2. Be determined to achieve your goals 

3. Never stop setting new goals 

You’re not a new you, but you can always grow into a better you. I implore you to continue to learn and develop yourself in 2022. Always strive for more, be ambitious, we only get one life. So from the team here at Park, we wish you a very healthy and prosperous year!