Ready to kickstart your career?

Ready to kickstart your career?

Are you a school leaver or graduate looking to kickstart your career in Financial Services but unsure where to start your search? We are here to help you! 

We have a variety of trainee options including Funds and Trust administration, accounting, compliance, HR, IT, and more. 

Our clients vary from small owner-managed firms to global independent companies. They all have the same objective – to help you succeed and support you throughout your career. 

You will be presented with the opportunity to study towards relevant qualifications and be mentored by experienced professionals in your chosen field of work. 

The beauty of choosing an established Financial Services provider is that you will join a community where you will have plenty of social events with colleagues and be supported and trained every single day! 

Why let us help you secure your first role?

We take care of all the hard work for you -  we will send your CV/applications to your chosen companies and assist you throughout the process, including interview preparation to ensure you ace those interviews 💥

The best part? It’s all FREE

Come chat with us and let us be part of your journey!