Inspiring Leaders

What qualities do you look for in your "leaders"? What inspires you, what discourages you? My blog this month is all about what makes a great leader.

Inspiring Leaders

When you look at history, is there someone who you think of as being an inspirational leader? There are many that you can name, but the one who immediately comes to my mind is the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy. His phenomenal leadership really inspires me, he leads by example, and his name will be forever remembered. 

Who inspires you in your career? Being inspired by your Line Managers, Supervisors, Directors is vital, and definitely something I feel can motivate me. Do your leaders have qualities that encourage you? Actually, do you feel inspired or is something lacking? 

What type of leadership style do you prefer? Personally, I value leaders who have great positive energy, and who value everyone on their team. When you feel heard you immediately feel part of what’s going on. I am really lucky to work with a team who make me feel valued. 

What else is important? That they listen, communicate effectively, are trustworthy, passionate, they practice humility and empathy, they are authentic, and something I think is really important in all my relationships, they have a great sense of humour. Obviously, this list is tailored to what I value, but if you feel the same as I do, and find that your leadership is lacking maybe you need to change your direction. 

Don’t forget, Park are here to help you find your “Happy”, you spend more time at work then anywhere else, so your relationships with your colleagues has to be strong, you have to feel supported and valued. If you don’t, come and see us.