Counter Offers - Don't do it!

5 reasons why you shouldn’t accept them

It may seem to be the best of both worlds…………….you’ve interviewed and been successful in securing a new role.....GREAT, you resign and then your current employer counter offers.....WOW, now you have two companies fighting to get you on their team!

Clearly this is very flattering - check you out you smashed it, so popular and in demand……! However, the truth is, this puts you in a difficult position. You really need to think very carefully before deciding and in most cases my advice would be to not accept the counter offer.

We have seen a huge increase in counter offers this year, it’s a competitive marketplace particularly in areas where there are skill shortages so your employer really does not need the added time and cost of hiring your replacement and remember if they value you and your contribution – surely they would be showing you that already!